Passion Projects
My Google journey started in Sydney, on Jan 6th 2014.
Here's a list of activities that I hosted, implemented and throughly enjoyed, both inside and outside of Google.
2014 | 6 countries traveled
Jan | Event organiser, Chinese New Year Celebration at TGIF
Apr | VP-Membership, Toastmaster Club at Google.
May | 'School Out Reach' Program Speaker, for 'Big Day In' @ Wollongong, Presentation title: 'Girls rule in IT'.
Aug | Event host/Photographer, G(irls)20Summit on behalf of Google Australia, where young women came together to design a community-based initiative/goal to help to empower other girls and women in their home countries.
Sep | Industry Relation Initiatives, organised Googlers to give speeches for TEDxTelstraSydney on 'Innovative Corporate Culture'.
Sep | Event volunteer, Google Analytics Conference 2014
Sep | Industry representative, Beijing Zhongguancun Science Park (Z-Park) Information Briefing, Hosted by NSW Trade & Investment.
Oct | Vocal, Google Band - "The Last Week". A charity+fun activity with few other Googlers busking outside office for fund raising, 1 hour performance we have raised $17 AUD, and Google matched it to the charity as well.
Oct | Participant, Google for Entrepreneur Day
Oct | Event competitor, Passed 1000+ 1st round competition over September, and been public voted 2nd place with 500+ votes over 3 days on 'Wechat' among the TOP50 candidates. The event is to select 5 seats of "super trip leader", who will lead 200 Chinese CEO to the U.S. for various investment and business purposes, GMIC conference and grand tour in a selection of startups and top companies(Google, FB, Linkedin, Uber, Pixar, Coursera, Kickstarter, etc) in Silicon Valley.
Dec | Participate in Hour of Code at Sydney Office and challenge team member to join for the awareness of "everyone can code".
2015 | 7 countries traveled (Back to Google on 6th Apr)
May | VP-Education, Toastmaster Club at Google.
Jun | Technology Evangelist, China Australia Millennial Project partnered with Vivid Sydney 2015, also participated in a project for Westpac, which has been covered by: Financial Review and the Wall Street Journal.
Jul | Toastmasters Education award: 'Competent Leader'.
Aug | Career Discussion Panellist, UOW Open Day 2015, on various topics related to 'Future Computer Science and IT Careers'.
Aug | CTO & Cofounder of OPlay, a collection of smart toys designed for women in the form of wearable technology that enables early detection and data collection for health.
Sep | Australian team tech lead & summit delegate, invite by G20YEA & Turkey Summit hosts to represent the Australian entrepreneurship ecosystem at the G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance Summit in Istanbul on 7-9 September, 2015.
Oct | Ambassador, Global Entrepreneurship Week Australia , responsible for partnership development and events facilitate.
Oct | CDO and advisory board, Maya Snow Mountain Natural Cosmetic Company.
Nov | Australia National Technology Officer, Global Entrepreneurship Network.
Nov | Speaker, TEDxTelstraSydney. Invited by Telstra to give a TED talk on creative thinking, entrepreneurship and my fast pace growth journey in Australia.
Dec | Cofounder & Managing Director at China Ambition. It is a subscription service that helps businesses engage with Chinese customers by managing their social media, website, translation & marketing content localisation. Full launch note here.
2016 | 11 countries traveled
Jan | Google Web Designer(GWD) curriculum designer and trainer. I am the first creative specialist in house within ASI-AUNZ. I self-taught and help implement ads for clients, then designed the training curriculum to scaling the GWD wider usage as well as promote dynamic remarketing within the Audience offering. Successfully Delivered multiple training sessions for Top Australia clients along with their creative agencies including Jetstar, Virgin Australia, Milan Direct, Domain and Target on GWD creatives in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Client successfully launched their own creatives on Adwords ever since then, performance on track on target.
Feb | GWD internal training sessions. Since the external training got huge success, I started to delivered hands-on, pitch-couch GWD sessions to multiple internal teams on demand, including LCS and SMB Account manager team, Sales team, and Agency team.
Feb | Startups Mentor, at Fishburners Sydney. I've volunteered to mentor two startups who resident at Fishburners in Sydney Campus.
Mar | Moved to Google UK Ltd. Changed role to Technical Creative Specialist, gTech EMEA, GBO.
Apr | Invited as guest speaker, for the 11th Asia Business Forum hosted by London Business School. Topic is Asia Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Moderated by Raymond Li, Head of Chinese at BBC. Other speakers including MD of Morgan Stanley, YG Entertainment USA CEO, High Commission of Singapore and so on.
Jun | Selected to be 1 of 20 candidate for Diaspora Emerging Leadership Program, founded by Lord Wei of Shoreditch and his management team, which support and connect young leaders of tomorrow to create a powerful network of people committed to positive change as the world embraces the opportunities and tackles the challenges that come with the rising East and South.
Sep | Speaker at Agile London event. Give a 25 mins talk to 100+ Software Engineers, Project Managers and businesses on the topic of Agile programming, 4 myths and what I learned from it. Feedback as the highest rated talk and very 'inspirational' and 'will apply to work'. Video recording here.
Oct | Co-host for 6 weeks g2g Course. Created Women Teach Women To Code - London Edition website.
Dec | Event co-host and speaker, Tech the Halls celebrate the wonderful Women in Tech groups in London / the UK. As representing Women: Campus London, we brought 30+ Women in Tech organisations under one roof to highlight the work that each organisation does and celebrated the holiday season.
2017 | 15 countries traveled
Feb | Yoglers retreat at Bahamas, learned not only touch my toes, but also touch my soul.
April | Competition compère/hosting, London. Invited as host for 'The 1st China (Shenzhen) Innovation & Entrepreneurship International Competition(London Division)', guided by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, China. Supported by China-Britain Business Council(CBBC) and British Chamber of Commerce in China(BCCC). The Competition will offer generous awards totaling RMB 9,120,000 Yuan to the winners. Single competitors can be awarded up to RMB 1,250,000 (government subsidies and venture capital investment not included). 60 venture capital institutions will build a venture capital pool amounting to RMB 700 million for portfolio investment in winning projects.
May | Host for VP/Senior GM from Tencent (largest Tech Giant in China) meeting Google teams.
May | Speaker & Conference Delegate, Canada. Speak at the university, to young entrepreneurs at the incubator. Selected as conference delegate for high-demand 'Creative Montreal' conference, following by a visit to Prime Minister in Ottawa.
May - Present | Global Digital Work Ecosystem Fellow. Leading events, webinars and working groups for design thinking workshops; creating awareness by sharing partnership stories and collaborative research on internal google communication channels; mentor and couch for global social entrepreneurs working in the digital employment ecosystem.
June | Speaker & Panelist, Vivid Ideas Festival as part of the annual Vivid Sydney Festival in Australia. Topic as 'Urban Tweaks: Prototyping Creative and Livable Cities'. With the accelerating urbanisation of the global population, cities are fast becoming places for experimentation in social interactions, governance and community life. More than ever, modern cities are testbeds for urban renewal concepts that seek to address a wide range of cultural, social, economical and political issues, often with conflicting interests.
July | UK delegate for G20 YEA (Young Entrepreneur Alliance), in Berlin, Germany.
July | Institute of Directors Young Directors Forum (IoD YDF) Committee Member, This entrepreneurial group have made it their mission to provide a range of activities and initiatives for aspiring young directors in London and beyond.
Aug | Burning Man artist, Black rock city, US. Proposed art installation project 'Fried Ice' and granted with $20, 000 to build for the 2017 Burning Man festival in the Black Rock City. It will be an interactive huge installation for 150 people to interactive with throughout day and night at the festival.
Sep | Speaker, Eton College, Windsor. Invited by Computing Society, to give a 50 mins talk and hands on session to a wide range of students at Eton College on Working at Google, creative projects I involved, impact on society and some of the hot topics including Artificial Intelligence.
Oct | MC Host, China AI Summit, Beijing. Keynote speaker for China Artificial Intelligence Summit in Beijing for the largest industry event for 2 days.
2018 | Upcoming...Always uncomfortably excited...
Feb | Invited to 10 Downing Street for a Chinese New Year reception hosted by the Prime Minister Theresa May.
Mar | Dutch Scientific embarkation 14 days across South Pole, Antarctica.
Aug | Keynote speaker at International Marketing and Creative Technology Summit, Shanghai, China.
Sep | UK delegation for G20 YEA Summit at Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Nov | Open water diving at Bali, Indonesia.